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Video.Sckre (AUT-DEU)

Bohemian spring / Tachovská 19 / WALLZ 22

Julia Heinisch aka VIDEO studied sculpture in her native Linz and art history and philosophy at the University of Vienna. Frederic Sontag aka SCKRE was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany and studied scenic painting. This Austrian-German couple has been working together for several years on murals, which mainly reflect inspiration by nature. The style of painting, often reminiscent of art nouveau ornaments combined with rich natural scenery, is, unlike other street artists, more derived from classical painting. It combines decorativeness, naturalism and surrealism, while the frequently used colour green suggests an important psychology of colours for both artists. Julia studies animals from all possible perspectives and in her fast and intuitive drawing focuses mainly on animals in motion, while Fred naturally incorporates them into an ornamental landscape full of more or less abstract shapes and forms.

Also in the Pilsen painting on the facade of a special school, the artistic education of both authors combined with the typical writer‘s style in the resulting fictitious landscape with distinctive flowers and birds. In particular, it is a family of songbirds called waxwing perching on the branches of blossoming apricot trees. Julia and Fred travel through cities to which they bring the beneficial legacy of nature. As part of this year‘s festival, they also left a piece of their dream nature in Pilsen.

© 2023 pro WALLZ udělalo Reweso.

Projekt je relizován pod hlavičkou neziskové organizace Plzeň 2015, z.ú., se sídlem v plzeňské kreativní zóně DEPO2015.

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