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Strauzz David (CAN-CZE)

First-world problems / Kalikova 4 / WALLZ 21

Artist David Strauzz was born to Czech immigrants in Canada, but for several years has been living and working in Prague, and he plans to stay. In his studio in Pragovka, he creates semi-abstract portraits using combined techniques, experiments with materials, and works with techniques of collage, assemblage, and decollage. Images, which certainly do not lack emotional depth, are also sometimes supplemented with or created from text, and original objects are created from used cans and nozzles. Strauzz has been producing large-format street portraits all over Czechia. The artist needs to travel around the country, soak up the atmosphere of individual cities and places, meet people and understand how they live, what problems they face, but also how Czechs lived when he was still in Canada.
In Pilsen, David Strauzz painted on a busy street largely affected by visual smog in the form of a number of advertising banners and billboards. The resulting mural reacts to this very topic and ironically draws attention to the problem of advertising pollution of cities with signs such as DISCOUNT or SALE, which cover a neutral portrait of a girl.

© 2023 pro WALLZ udělalo Reweso.

Projekt je relizován pod hlavičkou neziskové organizace Plzeň 2015, z.ú., se sídlem v plzeňské kreativní zóně DEPO2015.

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